The secular forests of Strâmbu-Băiuț
Atracție naturală
Part of the history and cultural identity of Maramureș, the secular forests of Strâmbu Băiuț are an expression of natural balance, unhindered by human intervention. The virgin and quasi-virgin forests found here, which in some cases are over 500 years old, have been included in a site of Community importance, with the main purpose of protecting and conserving them. Since 2017, 598 hectares out of the total 2962 hectares composing the site have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, an important initiative for the conservation of biodiversity in the area.
The forest ecosystems found here, which are said to be the most representative in the Eastern Carpathians, include numerous and important floristic and faunal species, which increase the natural richness of the site. The forest landscape in the heart of the mountains, dominated by trees of impressive sizes, promises to reward those who love nature and beauty.
For additional information:
Târgu Lăpuș National Center for Tourist Information and Promotion
Târgu Lăpuș National Center for Tourist Information and Promotion
Phone: +40 262 384 239
Email: cnipttargulapus@yahoo.com
Atracții turistice în apropiere
- Codri seculari de la Strâmbu-Băiuț
- Defileul Lăpușului