Gheorghe Mihuț

Gheorghe Mihuț


Șurdești 437332, Romania


Gheorghe Mihuț is a folk wooden sculptor from Șurdești, Maramureș County, who specializes in making glass miniatures. The craftsman creates Maramureș gates, spindles, draw wells, small ladders, etc.

Gheorghe Mihuț is a very active folk craftsman, who gladly participated in all the editions of the Fair “Goodies of Maramureș” (Bun de Maramureș), as well as in other local or national events for the promotion of the traditional culture of Maramureș.

Contact details: Șișești township, Șurdești village, 406 Principală street, mobile phone: 0736 642 851.

Workshop access: from number 30A, go to number 406 in Șurdești village and stop at the Master Workshop of Gheorghe Mihuț.


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