Gheorghe Roman
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Gheorghe Roman is a folk craftsman from Bârsana who makes traditional Maramureș opinci (peasant footwear) with straps, made of cowhide. The traditional shoes, called "opinci", are an essential element of folk costumes in all ethnographic areas of Maramureș and are worn over white wool knitted socks.
Gheorghe Roman is a very active folk craftsman, who gladly participated in all the editions of the Fair “Goodies of Maramureș” (Bun de Maramureș), as well as in other local or national events for the promotion of the traditional culture of Maramureș.
Contact details: Bârsana township, Bârsana village, 67 Principală street, mobile phone: 0741 984 649.
Workshop access: from Bârsana Village, 520 Principală street, until no. 67, keep going on Principală street; we walk 120 m until we reach the Gheorghe Roman’s Folk Master Workshop.
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