Ileana Bizău
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Ileana Bizău is a traditional craftswoman from Bogdan Vodă, Maramureș County, who specializes in making folk costumes specific to the ethnographic area called "the Land of Maramureș".
She continues the tradition of homemade linen shirts with macramé lace and multicolored flowers. She also weaves the famous traditional Maramureș aprons (zadie moroșenească), in red and black or yellow and black, as well as the flowery skirts always matched with the headscarves. This particular craftswoman dresses both people and dolls in folk costumes.
Ileana Bizău is a very active folk craftswoman, who gladly participated in all the editions of the Good Fair of Maramureș, as well as in other local or national events for the promotion of the traditional culture of Maramureș.
Contact details: Bogdan Vodă township, Bogdan Vodă village, 737 Principală st., mobile phone: 0743 206 109.
Workshop access: from Botiza township, Botiza village, drive for 16.4 km on DJ 186 to Bogdan Vodă township, Bogdan Vodă village, at 737 Principală st., where one can visit the workshop of the talented craftswoman, Ileana Bizău.
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