Born and Papp Museum
Muzeu / Obiective turistice
The small museum pays homage to Ignaz Edler von Born, a renowned metallurgist who studied minerals, and Papp Simon, an illustrious geologist whose name is linked to crude oil extraction technology. Ignaz von Born's expertise was recognized even by Empress Maria Theresa, for whom the metallurgist cataloged the minerals in the imperial collection. He also had a decisive contribution to the mercury amalgamation technology used to increase the purity of the extracted metals. His considerable contribution to the field he loved so much was recognized by the decision to name a mineral after him, namely bornite. Born's personality served as a muse for the composer W. A. Mozart, who was inspired by the famous scholar, when he created the main character in the famous opera "The Magic Flute". Although his career in metallurgy was the one that brought Ignaz von Born his well-deserved success, he also distinguished himself as a satirical writer. Geologist Papp Simon, in turn, had a brilliant professional career, making himself known abroad, both through his geological mapping work and his significant contribution to the development of the oil industry.
Today, in the patrimony of the museum arranged in honor of the two sons of Cavnic town, visitors can see numerous objects, such as documents, photographs, scientific papers, which keep their memory alive, as well as a collection of minerals that belonged to the two personalities. Also housed here are a series of mining tools and objects, reminiscent of the golden age of the small mining town, Cavnic.