Rodica Sabadîș
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Rodica Sabadîș is a folk craftswoman from Remetea Chioarului, Maramureș County, who specializes in creating ornaments specific to the Land of Chioar.
Over the years, she has carried on the tradition of necklace weaving and other traditional bead ornaments. Her creations bear archaic symbols specific to Maramureș, such as: the sun, the rope, the Northern star, the honeycomb, the shepherd's hook, the wheat ear, the whirlpool and the rake, thus offering uniqueness and elegance to each piece.
Rodica Sabadîș is a very active folk craftswoman, who gladly participated in all the editions of the Good Fair of Maramureș, as well as in other local or national events for the promotion of the traditional culture of Maramureș.
Contact details: Baia Mare, 28 Independenței Blvd., apart. 4-5 (MM Artizana Association), mobile phone: 0722 210 569.
Workshop access: from the center of Baia Mare, respectively the intersection of Unirii Blvd. with Bucharest Blvd., go to North-West on Unirii Blvd. towards Bucharest Blvd. and at the roundabout, take the second exit, continue 1.3 km on Independenței Blvd.. The destination will be on the right.
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