The "Home" Village Museum, Tăuții-Măgherăuș
Muzeu / Obiective turistice
The name of the museum suggests the destination that this ensemble is trying to describe for its visitors, namely that of a parental home. In fact, the entire ensemble composing this museum and which includes: the house, the barn, the stable, the shed, the wood shed and the coop, once served as a real household. The last host of the traditional household, which is about three centuries old, was auntie Florița from Bozânta Mică. Her descendants decided to donate the ensemble to the Town Hall of Tăuții-Măgherăuș. Once with its relocation it would be arranged as a museum. The museum's patrimony also includes over 300 exhibits that talk about the simple past and the traditional occupations of the locals. This interior collection preceded the arrangement of the museum-house, being initially sheltered inside the Middle School from Tăuții-Măgherăuș. Over time, the collection has grown considerably through the efforts of teachers Ștefan Rusu and Emil Crâncău, who have dedicated themselves to enriching it. The "Home" Village Museum, beyond the traditional nature characteristic of the hearths of the Romanian nation, offers visitors a sense of familiar comfort, similar to what they once felt in the homes of their parents and grandparents.