The Museum of icons and old books "Bishop Gavril of Bârsana"

The Museum of icons and old books "Bishop Gavril of Bârsana"

Muzeu / Obiective turistice


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DJ186 276, Bârsana 437035, Romania


The Museum of Icons and Old Books "Bishop Gavril of Bârsana" is part of the ensemble of the Bârsana Monastery, one of the spiritual landmarks of Maramureș, whose functions were completed in 2005, by the opening of a museum exhibiting church art and an ethnographic collection. The three-storey building in which the museum operates was the twelfth erected as part of the monastery as a whole, falling within the architectural typology specific to the area, which can be seen in the other monastic edifices, all sharing a perfect stylistic unity. Religious iconography and weaving workshops have been set up in the basement, where the skilled hands of the nuns create true works of art, while on the ground floor, old books and icons are displayed in glass cases. The holy books and manuscripts exhibited here date from the 16th to 19th centuries and are a veritable treasure trove. Upstairs you can visit a local ethnographic exhibition, which further strengthens the authentic Maramureș spirit one can feel throughout the monastic ensemble.

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