The wooden church "Saint Nicholas" from Bogdan Vodă

The wooden church "Saint Nicholas" from Bogdan Vodă

Biserica de lemn / Obiective turistice


DJ186 367, Bogdan Vodă 437055, Romania


Some sources say about the "Saint Nicholas" wooden church from Bogdan Vodă that it was erected in 1718, on the site of the old church burned by the Tartars, while others mention the year 1754. It is notable for its position, being located in the middle of the village, within the cemetery, and not on the hills, as most of the churches in Maramureș. Another essential feature of the historic monument is its simplicity, the only decorative element of the exterior walls being the carved twisted rope, which surrounds the entire building. 

*Photo credit: CJCPCT „Liviu Borlan” Maramureș, Timur Chiș


  • Monument istoric

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