The wooden church "Saint Nicholas" from Costeni

The wooden church "Saint Nicholas" from Costeni

Biserica de lemn / Obiective turistice


Costeni 437131, Romania


Built in 1870 by the craftsmen Petruț Ioan and Petruț Grigore from Măgoaja, the wooden church "Saint Nicholas" from Costeni has a classical layout, with a porch on the west side, a narthex, a nave and a polygonal altar. The edifice is one of the largest of its kind, with a four-sided roof, a high bell tower with four smaller turrets and a pyramid-shaped coif. On the outside, the walls are decorated at the entrance portal, while inside they are whitewashed in light blue. In 2017, following a powerful storm, the church's spire collapsed. In 2020 the place began to undergo an extensive refurbishment process. 


  • Monument istoric

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