Vasile Șușca
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Vasile Șușca is a folk craftsman from Săcel, Maramureș County, whose traditional masks have become known all over the world. A former fur tailor, Vasile Șușca taught himself how to make masks from fur and wool scraps. The first masks he created were for Viflaim, a folk theater whose tradition is sacredly preserved in Maramureș, being staged even in churches, on Christmas Day.
The archaic masks made by the folk artist only out of natural materials, are meant to ward off evil spirits and are used in various pre-Christian rituals, still practiced today. However, his masks are some of the most ingenious decorative objects, and the best known are the old men, the old women, the goat and the bear. In addition to creating traditional masks, he also paints wooden icons and landscapes.
As a sign of gratitude for the promotion of the culture and crafts of Maramureș, the Maramureș County Council awarded the folk craftsman Vasile Șușca the honorary title of "Ambassador of Maramureș Tourism".
Contact details: Săcel township, Săcel village, 294 Principală street, mobile phone: 0758 867 161.
Workshop access: from Bogdan Vodă township, Bogdan Vodă village, go 17.1 km on DJ 186, to Săcel township, Săcel village, to 294 Principală street, at the Folk Master Workshop of Vasile Șușca.
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